Per festeggiare questa mia nuova totale dipendenza voglio condividere con voi un piccolo dono: avete già pronti tutti i vostri regali di Natale? Se ancora vi mancano delle etichette eccovene qui alcune con dei centrini, la mia passione!
Spero vi piacciano...buone Natale :)
I might say this year has been the most silent one for my blog. Neverthless, it has been a year full of ideas, innovation, new paths, great changes. I have been so busy studying and working for new high project and now I will give just a word-hint: design.
To celebrate my new whole addiction I want to share a little gift with you: have you already got all your Christmas presents ready? If you still miss some tags here there are some doily ones, my passion!
Hope you will like them...Merry Christmas :)
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